Who’s Contribute the Pollution?

Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim Life become not difficult when we ensure very problem just a lesson to make us grew up. Or we often heard “Life is easy if you make it easy”. When all people arround the world use this motto in life, then there won’t be crimes because no one have feelings of jelousy. Every one will be happy with what they have. Don’t you agree? If You don’t, Hemm....at least I’m agree. Heheee...yups, it’s definetly because I myself wrote it.

And don’t worry, I won’t write about how to live in happiness. It’s depend on my own choice....I’m sure so many people already known that happy life is never far....it’s already inside of us...in our heart feeling.

So, in this section as a part of my learning to write in English...let me write about [shortly] how we are bombarded how the pollution growing fast and so huge but most of us inclined to close our minds and pretend it isn’t there. I’ll put my self as sample....I should refuse erosols, not using plastic bags when shopping but bring our own bag or basket that made from natural materials. In another case, I should turn off electric equipment when it is not use, etc. The fact, I still do that bad action in my daily even I knew it well. How poor I’m !
And the other fact, commercial companies are the worst offenders. Lately, cars, taxi, trucks, bus, motor cycle and else towards increasing polluition. Like or not, we all contributeb to that damage in this earth. Well, we all need to make a positive life from a small thing we do in daily and absolutely this is need a new frame of mind which won’t accept explanation when we already know it to be nonsense.

The most difficult step is BEGIN or take a START because mostly people will laugh and assume us like an aliens. So, have you understand what the main idea in this post? I do confess.....I’m confuse how to write it more detail.... #Then, I run away quickly!



kenapa rokok yg selalu dipersalahkan atas polusi yg terjadi, sejak jaman nenek moyang mengenal api, asap selalu menjadi penanda ada kehidupan di kejauhan sana.


Ya mau gimana Rokok udah jadipendapatan negara dan menjadi sumber pemasukan negara biarpun dibuat tulisan merokok dapat blablabla,,,toh juga rokok dihisap.


kl saya menerapkan pola reduce, reuse recycle..

loh sik hubungane opo?

A. Y. Indrayana

that's us .. humans .... who contribute a pollution

Ririe Khayan

gambarnya kan di area merokok tuh, kalau dalam tulisannya gak ada menyalahkan kok hanya wacana duang.. piss

Ririe Khayan

Rokok mmg dilematis ya..

Ririe Khayan

sik sik..mar kita car penggaris kmd kita hubungkan ya

Ririe Khayan

hahhahaa...#jabat tangan


waduh bahasa bule aku nggak ngerti... hihihihi


Alasan tabuhgong, masuk akal juga ya

Vita Ayu Kusuma Dewi

wah keren mbak berbahasa inggris @_@

Senang berkunjung kesini mbak, salam kenal dari Vita ^^


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