Special Tribute To Nelson Mandela
After so long time no publish, and now I share, As many of we know that Nelson Mandela passed away on December 5th, 2013. Then this post based from team at Blog Action Day community are using the moment of his passing to reflect and share their thoughts about what Nelson Mandela meant to them on their blogs and social media profiles.
Mandela struggle and sacrifice to end apartheid in South Africa, his powerful leadership of a new inclusive South Africa, and his continued championing of social justice issues during his retirement from public life touched and inspired us all.
And like Mr. Mandela said:
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”
Lingerie Online
memang identik dengan hal-hal yang berdefinisi dalam istilah cantik dan Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim tentunya pengertian cantik dalam batasan yang
obyektif, tidak semata arti gramatikal. Dan
jika di kerucutkan, tentunya pencapaian criteria tampil cantik bagi perempuan
yang sudah menikah tidak sebatas pada out fit atau pakaian luar
Dan salah
satu perlengkapan yang jadi focus bagi kaum hawa yang sudah bersuami adalah
bagaimana bisa tampil charming di pandangan suami. One of them adalah lingerie sexy. Nah lho, jika
ngomongin tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan sexy tentu tidak harus
berkonotasi pornografi kan? Lha bagi saya, orang yang jenius seperti
Albert Enstein itu sexy lho? Atau tokoh kimia Marie Curie yang menemukan polonium dan
radium serta mendapatkan Nobel untuk penemuan-penemuanya tersebut. Bagi
saya, sosok cerdas dan brilliant seperti mereka adalah orang-orang yang sexy.
Horeee…kok jadi nglantur bangets ya?
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Kembali pada
hot topic lingerie, yang merupakan salah satu jenis pakaian yang diangap dan
sepertinya memang bisa menunjang tampil sexy pada sesi private moment bareng
pasangan. Alhamdulillah, saya sendiri belum pernah pakai lingerie sih. Tentunya
pengen juga sesekali mengenakan lingerie in private time pastinya…hehehe. Ada
yang bilang jika mengenakan lingerie bisa menambah rasa percaya diri
karena “merasa” diri bisa lebih cantik. Dan bagi wanita yang menganggap
lingerie merupakan pakaian untuk moment nan istimewa dan romantic, tentu perlu
mikir-mikir lumayan lama saat hendak membeli lingerie ini: warna apa dan model
yang klik dengan badan yang seperti apa.
Dari pengalaman
saat beli under wear, seringnya kalau mbeli di mall getu ada saja yang
ngliatin, Bagi yang suka risih, tentu gak nyaman jika milih-milih terus ada
yang merhatiin kan? Ada cara yang nyaman dan bikin leluasa jika kita mau
pilih-pilah lingerie yang kita inginkan: belilah lingerie Online. Dengan
belanja lingerie secara online, dijamin gak bakal ada yang reseh atau usil
ngomentarin aksi kita pilah-pilah pakaian special tersebut. Ada yang sudah
sering belanja lingerie secara online kah? Selamat berbelanja lingerie….
No Title
I believe
everything happen actually very reasonable and for right purposes completely.
However, when we suppose to share positive information. I mean, even if what we
share just a little bit word and it make some else become courage to fight and
make many efforts in their life. That will be something awe some and fulfill
inside us with happiness.
So, let’s
happy as always coz life is wonderful gift in every second…..
Note: No Idea to creat new post :>
Note: No Idea to creat new post :>
[When] I learn second language
a second language is wonderful chance to get to know other parts of the world.
It teach you how other people think, what they like and even what makes them
But I do believe that a second language, especially English, has contributed a lot to everybody.
Without mastering the English language it is unlikely that have been abroad to
travel and pursue study. English has plays a very important rule in academic as
well as business lives. Many books to study are written in English, and many
jobs vacancies require English mastery.
native speakers make mistakes when they write and speak English, even though
for beginner. It is quite natural that
human being makes mistake. A gentleman is not the one who never make
mistakes but the one who learn and improve himself from his mistakes, and
never make the same mistake again.
When I learn second Language, There
are many ways to improve English, with speak to people, listen to the radio,
watch TV (in English shows), read books, news paper , magazine, etc..and the
most enjoyable way is write letter or watch the English movie (for me). To be
able write effectively either in English or others, We have to read a lot ! Because
without much knowledge we’ll find difficulties what to write and how to support
our arguments.
by the way...I threat my mind to always remember, learning another language requires a lot of hard work but also
provides great pleasure...And I got it!
Notes: This
writing...dedicated for me and myself, to support and encourage in learning
English more enthuastic...Hope best of efforts of this and other things.
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